Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you regarding the vacancy of ... ... ...

alright, its week 11 and coming week 12, my last few lessons in NUS possibly but not time for "sadness" now ...its disciplinary culture for week 11 =).

Alright, i won't be going into Swales's CARS model because if i'm doing it for the term paper so yeah ... i will just talk a little bit about it. Basically Swales model can be used to analyse the different parts of a research/journal article, be it abstracts, results and discussions and introductions. But Swales has recently updated his CARS model as he mentioned that the Submoves or what is called the Steps are not accurately defined and thus I, or rather we (my teammate and I) will be doing the analysis of sociological research journals abstracts using only the Moves =). Ok maybe it does not sound that interesting but I hope we can do it well =S (*nervous*). But its interesting to note that Swales did admit the flaws of the submoves and sort of "updated" the model, maybe a times I have researchers sometimes admit that there might be flaws in the methodologies they adopted and suggests how better to refine the model or methodologies. Now that's really dedicated to one's research =).

okay, coming to writing (application) letters ... i have to admit that I absolutely dislike writing such letters because sometimes if I state my qualities and what if the expectations of the person reading the letter and my own skills do not really match. For example, I might exaggerate saying that I have critical thinking skills but in reality I can only "think critically" so that much then won't it be a very big difference between reality and what is written on paper? I have heard cases where people exaggerate their skills so as to get certain jobs =(. Ok in conclusion, i just hate praising myself, I mean if i do it in a joking manner its fine but in a professional manner, i think it is really weird because isn't that what referees are for?!

I feel that the people who one have worked with are the best people to speak out for your character, skills and abilities and not yourself.OK granted that there might be some people who might be afraid of offending and thus give good reviews but I think that generally, those who feel that you have the ability will not turn down praising you. That's some of my thoughts and personal feelings or maybe its due to my culture which has taught me not to be too conceited and to be humble and that is a reason for which I am uncomfortable in "promoting" myself? or maybe its just purely a case of low self-esteem? =O

***gasps-coughs-coughs**  English letters do not invoke compassion and glorifying the institution in Ali's study, but all were promoting candidature (how they can contribute to the company,) a case of individualism? But on the other hand, Arabic's letters did not invoke willingness to go for an interview. why? But wonder how our application letter would be like? I think we will have the move of evoking compassion by saying "Thank you for your kindness in considering my application" But which kind of writing style (english/arabic) would you choose? or will it be a mixed one? =)

Well, coming to the promotion letters, I think that the components are similar but where the introduction of the product or services is placed at differs, but other than that everything seems similar. But to me, I guess what comes first (introduction of products or establishing of credentials) does not matter because the main purpose is to introduce one company's products to the letter-reader and hope that the letter will be sufficient to entice the reader into getting the products =P (of course, the openings and the ending must be at the right places); just some of my speculations above ... hmm, why do I have a feeling that I am getting less and less coherent?

Alright, I guess I am done, have a good weekend and see you in class next weednesday =), totally can't wait to see our classmates' presentations =D. Oh, and good luck for the assignment, hope everything is coming on fine!! =]


  1. You've really gone through everything I intended to cover for the topic. Very impressed.

  2. Thank you Dr Deng, I was just posting some of my thoughts after reading through your lecture notes. But thank you very much! =]
